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FALCON Bratislava

FALCON BRATISLAVA sa predstavuje

Sme dynamicky sa rozvíjajúca spoločnosť FAL-CON BUSINESS CONSULTING, s. r. o. a spolu s našou sesterskou spoločnosťou FAL-CON TAX k. s. pôsobíme na Slovensku v rámci stredoeurópskej poradenskej siete skupiny FALCON. Skupina FALCON s centrálou v Rakúsku má kancelárie v európskych metropolách Viedeň - Budapešť - Bratislava - Praha.

Na Slovensku pôsobíme od roku 2006 a v súčasnosti zamestnávame 15 zamestnancov. Naši zamestnanci sú držiteľmi národných i medzinárodných odborných certifikátov a licencií v oblasti daní a účtovníctva. Externe spolupracujeme s vysokokvalifikovanými odborníkmi v oblasti práva a podnikových financií. Našou prednosťou je schopnosť poskytnúť komplexnú a integrovanú podporu v oblasti daní, auditu a účtovníctva na národnej a medzinárodnej úrovni v regióne strednej Európy pod jednou strechou. Skupina FALCON sa orientuje predovšetkým na spoločnosti pôsobiace na trhu s nehnuteľnosťami a na malé a stredné dcérske spoločnosti zahraničných spoločností. Medzi našich klientov patrí napríklad jeden z najväčších investorov v oblasti nehnuteľností v Európe, klient poskytujúci služby faktoringu, zahraničný klient prevádzkujúci letisko a klient obchodujúci v automotive sektore.

Tax News

Tax News: Financial Transaction Tax

On 28th November 2024 the Parliament approved the amendment of the Act no. 279/2024 on Financial Transaction Tax (“FTT”) approved by the Slovak Government in October 2024. The Act was approved as the part of the consolidation package with the aim to improve the state of public finances. FTT will be effective from 1 January 2025, however the first taxation period will be April 2025.

Tax News: Consolidation package II

The government of the Slovak Republic has approved and filed to the Slovak Parliament for further proceeding the so-called “lex consolidation” representing a set of measures amending the particular acts. Please note that these changes have not yet been approved by the Slovak Parliament, they represent only the proposed measures and during the process of negotiation may be subject to further changes. The following changes are proposed by the government:

Tax News: What changes in the tax area can we expect?

The return to sustainable public finances and the stabilization of public debt in relation to GDP is a priority of the Slovak government defined in the National reform program of the Slovak Republic for 2024. In this program, the Government of the Slovak Republic provides an overview of already implemented and planned measures based on specific recommendations of the Council of the European Union for the Slovak Republic, such as more effective tax collection using the potential of environmental and property taxes. The interdepartmental comment procedure ended on April 8, 2024 and comments are currently being evaluated. The proposal mentions the following measures related to the tax area.

Tax News: Second chance institute

The government of the Slovak Republic has approved and filed to the Slovak Parliament for further proceeding the so-called “lex consolidation” representing a set of measures amending the particular acts. Please note that these changes have not yet been approved by the Slovak Parliament, they represent only the proposed measures and during the process of negotiation may be subject to further changes.

Tax News: Lex Consolidation | UPDATE

The government of the Slovak Republic has approved and filed to the Slovak Parliament for further proceeding the so-called “lex consolidation” representing a set of measures amending the particular acts. Please note that these changes have not yet been approved by the Slovak Parliament, they represent only the proposed measures and during the process of negotiation may be subject to further changes.

Tax News: Lex Consolidation

The government of the Slovak Republic has approved and filed to the Slovak Parliament for further proceeding the so-called “lex consolidation” representing a set of measures amending the particular acts. Please note that these changes have not yet been approved by the Slovak Parliament, they represent only the proposed measures and during the process of negotiation may be subject to further changes.

Tax News: Uplatnenie práva na odpočítanie dane

Zákon o DPH definuje striktné pravidlá na uplatnenie práva na odpočítanie DPH. Vo všeobecnosti platí, že platiteľovi dane vzniká právo na odpočet DPH: - v deň, keď pri tomto tovare alebo službe vznikla daňová povinnosť - ak platiteľ dane použije prijaté zdaniteľné plnenia na uskutočnenie svojich zdaniteľných plnení podliehajúcich DPH na výstupe - má k dispozícii doklad, ktorý obsahuje zákonom stanovené náležitosti


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