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Tax News: What changes in the tax area can we expect?

The return to sustainable public finances and the stabilization of public debt in relation to GDP is a priority of the Slovak government defined in the National reform program of the Slovak Republic for 2024. In this program, the Government of the Slovak Republic provides an overview of already implemented and planned measures based on specific recommendations of the Council of the European Union for the Slovak Republic, such as more effective tax collection using the potential of environmental and property taxes. The interdepartmental comment procedure ended on April 8, 2024 and comments are currently being evaluated. The proposal mentions the following measures related to the tax area.

Tax News: Second chance institute

The government of the Slovak Republic has approved and filed to the Slovak Parliament for further proceeding the so-called “lex consolidation” representing a set of measures amending the particular acts. Please note that these changes have not yet been approved by the Slovak Parliament, they represent only the proposed measures and during the process of negotiation may be subject to further changes.

Tax News: Lex Consolidation | UPDATE

The government of the Slovak Republic has approved and filed to the Slovak Parliament for further proceeding the so-called “lex consolidation” representing a set of measures amending the particular acts. Please note that these changes have not yet been approved by the Slovak Parliament, they represent only the proposed measures and during the process of negotiation may be subject to further changes.

Tax News: Lex Consolidation

The government of the Slovak Republic has approved and filed to the Slovak Parliament for further proceeding the so-called “lex consolidation” representing a set of measures amending the particular acts. Please note that these changes have not yet been approved by the Slovak Parliament, they represent only the proposed measures and during the process of negotiation may be subject to further changes.

Breaking: Energiekostenzuschuss II

Wie bereits in unserer letzten Ausgabe angekündigt, hat die verpflichtende Voranmeldung für den Energiekostenzuschuss II bereits am 16.10.2023 gestartet und am 2.11.2023 geendet. Mit 8.11.2023 wurde ein erster Entwurf der Förderrichtlinie für den Energiekostenzuschuss II auf der aws-Homepage veröffentlicht, welcher eine ähnlich kurze Frist für die Beantragung – nämlich nur bis zum 7.12.2023 – vorsieht.


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