In the field of corporate income tax, entities subject to the global minimum tax will be required to submit data reports and tax returns for the first time by November 20, 2025. The tax package establishes several detailed rules regarding calculations related to the global minimum tax. Hungarian members of affected corporate groups must submit mandatory data reports concerning themselves, other domestic group members, and the ultimate parent entity. The deadline for this submission is December 31, 2024, and we have compiled more detailed information on this topic in a separate newsletter.
In the event of the termination of group corporate income tax (TAO) status, former group members must submit a special tax return within 90 days of termination.
The scope of eligible support categories for tax benefits related to team sports funding has been expanded. From now on, support can also be provided to national sports federations of team sports for covering the operational costs of sports-related real estate. The amount of support granted under this category cannot exceed 80% of the real estate's operational costs.
From 2025, depreciation can also be accounted for on land used for the storage of hazardous waste.